Thursday, July 2, 2009

Call a Friend

Jordan rolls over and feels across the floor for her mobile phone. She frowns, sits up, and sorts through the dirty clothes.

No phone.

Did she even come home with it?

Does Jordan:

Call a friend from her landline

Boil the kettle

Get in the shower

Period Pain

“FUCK!” she yells, and doubles over.

“Stupid uterus,” she mutters, and gets up, groaning.

Does Jordan:

Take some painkillers

Have a shower

Boil the kettle

Call in sick to work



SHITE! It's 9:23am, and Jordan has an important work meeting at 9:45!

Does Jordan:

Run to the bathroom for a quick spot-clean
Spray on deodorant and perfume, drag on some clothes, and apply makeup on the way
Call in sick with measles


Jordan yawns widely and heads for the bathroom. She closes the door, turns on the hot tap in the shower to give the water time to heat up, and pulls her tshirt off over her head. She stops, wincing, at a pain in her left nipple. The mirror tells her (once her tshirt's off her head) that it's pierced. WTF?

Does Jordan:

Call a friend to ask what the hell she got up to last night
Shrug and continue with the shower

Boil the Kettle

Jordan yawns, and wanders out to the kitchen. She checks the water level in the kettle, then flicks the switch to start it boiling.

Does she:

Have a shower while the kettle's boiling
Get a mug ready for coffee
Look at her kitchen clock
Make some toast for breakfast


Jordan yawns and walks toward the shower, stripping off as he goes. As he passes the mirror, he sees something out of the corner of his eye and pauses. There's a large red X on his chest. WTF?

Does Jordan:

Stop and investigate the mysterious X
Keep going toward the shower, resolving to worry about it later
Call a mate and ask him why the hell he's got an X on his chest


Oh, HELL no! It's 10:42am, and Jordan has an important work meeting starting at 11am. Farrrrrk!

Does Jordan:

Race for the shower
Spray on some deodorant and go looking for clothes
Call in sick with swine flu


Jordan turns on the electric kettle, and spoons instant coffee and water into a mug as he waits. God, his head is killing him. What the hell have his mates done to him? He makes the coffee and yawns widely. He sips the coffee... and spits it out. The milk's sour and it tastes like shit.

Does Jordan -

Make another cup of coffee, black this time
Have a shower and hope that'll wake him up
Get dressed and head to work, and grab a coffee on the way
Head out, as is, to the cafe down the road, and get a takeaway cup of coffee


Jordan blinks and rubs her eyes. God, they're full of crud. What the hell did she do last night? All she remembers is a dance floor, a mirror ball and a bottle of Kahlua.

Does Jordan:

Boil the kettle

Get in the shower

Look at her bedside clock

Double over with period pains

Call a friend


Jordan blinks and scratches his balls. God, that sun's bright.

Does Jordan:

Make a cup of coffee

Look at his watch

Have a shower



Jordan wakes up to bright sunlight shining through the window - blankets half off the bed, leaving feet freezing.

Is Jordan:


